Chopsticks Rubber Band Gun Craft

 This is a very easy toy gun you can make from disposable chopsticks and rubber bands.


  • set of disposable chopsticks (the kind that are fused together)
  • 2 short pieces cut from a chopstick, about 1.5 inches long
  • rubber bands
  • box cuter or sharp knife
  • tape
  • small squares cut from cardboard(ammunition)

  1. Using a very sharp knife or box cutter, score and break off two short lengths from a chopstick.
  2. Place a rubber band over the skinny end of an unbroken pair or disposable chopsticks and secure with tape.
  3. Lay one short stick across the chopsticks near the thick end and wrap from underneath with a rubber band. This will create the fulcrum for the trigger.
  4. Lay the second piece on top of the first, perpendicular and tie down the front with a rubber band. The back will be sticking up. This will be the trigger.
  5. Pull back the rubber band from the front and place it under the trigger.
  6. Insert a small square cut from cardboard into the rubber band. Take aim and push down on the trigger and watch it fly.
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Japanese Chopsticks Launcher Toy Craft

 There are a lot of fun craft toys you can make from rubber bands and disposable chopsticks. This one can launch a toilet roll into the air.


  • 1 pair of disposable chopsticks(the kind that are fused together)
  • short piece of cut chopstick(longer than the opening of a toilet paper roll)
  • 1 rubber band
  • toilet paper roll
  • tape
  • pen
  • box cutter or sharp knife

  1. Loop a rubber band over the thick end of a pair of unbroken disposable chopsticks and secure with tape.
  2. Use a sharp knife or box cutter and cut another piece of chopstick longer than a toilet paper roll is wide.(only by an adult)
  3. Tape the cut piece to the other end of the rubber band.
  4. Draw a rabbit, frog, kangaroo, or other jumping animal on the toilet paper roll.

How to play:

Hold the chopsticks straight up with one hand and press the toilet paper roll down the middle over the stick. Let go and watch the rabbit jump up.

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Easy Creative Constellations Star Craft

 If your learning about stars or constellations, this is a simple craft that brings out student imagination and creativity.


  • piece of black or blue construction paper
  • star stickers
  • chalk
  • imagination


  1. Teach about the constellations and show some examples. It's kind of like connect the dots with stars.
  2. As an example, draw about 8 or 10 stars on the board at random. Ask the kids what they think it looks like and connect the dots.
  3. Give each child a piece of paper and some star stickers. Have students stick them on anywhere they want.
  4. Use chalk to connect the dots.
  5. They can give a name to their original constellations and show the class.

This was a cool activity. I drew these same dots on the board and asked the kids what it was. They almost unanimously yelled out "Turtle!" and told me how to connect the dots.
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Easy Paper Towel Roll Telescope Craft

You can easily turn a paper towel roll tube into a telescope with this fun, cute craft.


  • paper towel roll tube
  • 2 thick black strips of construction paper to wrap around the top and bottom
  • 1 thin black strip of construction paper to wrap around the middle
  • glue
  • small square of blue cellophane
  • rubber band
  • small star stickers
  • star, moon or planet decorations


  1. Wrap and glue a thick strip of black paper around the top and bottom of the paper towel roll to look like a telescope.
  2. Wrap and glue a thin piece around the middle.
  3. Use a rubber band to tie a piece of blue cellophane over one end.
  4. Stick small star stickers on the cellophane.
  5. Decorate the outside of the telescope with stars, moons, or planets.
  6. Look through the telescope and see the stars!
Alternatively, you could put two toilet rolls together and wrap with white paper instead of the paper towel roll.

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Easy Milk Carton Pencil Holder Craft

This is a very simple and useful pencil holder craft from a milk carton.


  • milk carton
  • scissors
  • old magazines
  • glue


  1. Cut the bottom of a milk carton about 5 inches tall.
  2. Cut various pictures from old magazines and glue on to completely cover the outside of the milk carton. You can also use stickers.
  3. Use as a pencil holder on your desk.
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Easy Toilet Paper Roll Rocket Craft

 This is a simple and cute rocket you can make from a toilet roll.


  • toilet paper roll
  • aluminum foil
  • small black circle from construction paper
  • short strips of red, yellow, orange cellophane
  • stapler
  • glue


  1. Cut a small sheet of aluminum foil about 9x9.5 inches, big enough to wrap the toilet roll.
  2. Spread glue over the toilet paper roll and wrap with the foil. Fold the excess into the ends.
  3. Cut a slit in the black circle and roll into a cone. Staple in place.
  4. Apply glue on the inside of one end of the toilet paper roll and insert the cone. If it doesn't fit exactly, secure with tape.
  5. Glue the cellophane strips into the other end for flames.
  6. For more detail, cut a small white circle, draw an astronauts face and glue to the side of the rocket.
  7. Attach a piece of yarn or fishing line to hand up your rocket

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Easy Snowflake Window Cling Craft

 Snowflakes are one of nature's most beautiful designs, no two are ever the same. Now your students can make their own snowflakes for a wintry display.


  • wax paper
  • pencil
  • white glue
  • glitter


  1. Teach the kids about snowflakes and show several examples. You might even teach them the shape hexagon. Remember, snowflakes are always different, but always have six sides or points.
  2. Give each child a sheet of wax paper. Have them draw a simple snowflake design.
  3. Squeeze the white glue over the pattern. The glue should be thick.
  4. Sprinkle with glitter.
  5. Place the snowflakes somewhere they won't be disturbed. It will take a few days to dry completely.
  6. Carefully peel off from the wax paper and stick on a window with tape.
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Easy Hand Print Addition Math Craft

This is a simple hand print craft that is great for addition practice.


  • construction paper
  • sheet of white paper for each child
  • scissors
  • glue
  • pencil


  1. Have students trace and cut out both hands from construction paper.
  2. Cover the left hand completely and glue on the left side of the white paper. Leave a space in the middle.
  3. Glue the right hand on the right side, but only glue the palm.
  4. Draw a plus sign in the middle and an equals sign to the right of the right hand.
  5. Fold the fingers of the right hand down to do simple math problems. (5+2=7, 5+4=9)
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Crab Hand Print Craft

Use hand prints to make a cute crab.


  • red construction paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • paper eyes or eye stickers
  • glue

  1. Help children cut out two hand prints from red paper.
  2. Glue the hands together in the middle to look like a crab. The thumbs should stick up.
  3. Add eyes to the top of the thumbs. Draw a smile on your crab.

For an added step, cut out paper claws to add to the crab or just draw them on. You could glue your crabs to a yellow piece of construction paper to create a beach scene or display them on your bulletin board.
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Halloween Spider Hand Print Craft

Hand prints can be used for so many things. Now let's make a cute spider for Halloween.


  • black construction paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • glue
  • small eyes or eye stickers

  1. Help children cut out two hand prints from black paper.
  2. Glue the hands together to look like a spider. The thumbs should be short, like fangs.
  3. Add eyes.
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Wizard Wand Paper Craft

This is a simple wizard wand you can make for your next Halloween Party or Harry Potter theme birthday party.


  • 1 sheet of construction paper
  • pencil
  • star stickers or small paper stars
  • 1 shiny bead
  • glue stick
  • super glue or glue gun
  • scissors


  1. Start at one corner. With the pencil, roll the construction paper into a narrow cone. Don't roll straight across the paper. Start at the short side of the paper and turn the pencil as you roll. This is for practice to get the shape you want.
  2. This time, put glue on one short side and one long side of the paper and roll with the pencil into your cone shape. Remove the pencil. You might put one piece of tape to secure the corner.
  3. Glue or stick on stars or moons for decoration.
  4. There should be a small opening at the top of the cone. Use super glue to glue on a sparkly bead or small marble for the tip. Don't let children use the super glue.
  5. Cut across the bottom of the cone to make it even.
  6. Teach them magic words and practice casting spells.

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Halloween Jack-o-lantern Face Craft

Here's an easy, Jack-o-Lantern craft that makes two faces at once.


  • white paper
  • Jack-o-Lantern template from white construction paper
  • orange paint and brushes
  • tape


  1. Place the Jack-o-Lantern template on white paper and tape only at the top stem.
  2. Paint the face and around it with orange paint. Allow to dry.
  3. Remove the template and you have two faces, one positive, one negative.
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Number Beads Math Craft

This is a fun and easy math craft to reinforce counting.


  • construction paper
  • numbers or tracing numbers from white paper
  • short lengths of pipe cleaners
  • beads
  • tape


  1. Glue numbers at the top of a piece of construction paper. Students trace or color the numbers.
  2. Tape one end of a pipe cleaner under each number.
  3. Children put the number of beads to match each number. Then tape the other end.

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Halloween Fluffy Ghost Craft

Here's a cute and fluffy ghost for Halloween.


  • ghost template cut from black construction paper
  • white paper
  • cotton
  • glue


  1. Have children design and cut out eyes and mouth or teacher can precut beforehand.
  2. Glue eyes and mouth onto the ghost template.
  3. Glue cotton on top of the ghost.
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Leaf Creatures Craft

This is a great, universal craft, especially fun in the fall. Good after an excursion outside to collect leaves.


  • leaves
  • paper
  • glue and/or tape
  • pencils or crayons
  • imagination (required)


  1. Using their imaginations, kids create shapes, cars, animals, monsters, etc. from leaves, then glue or tape into place.
  2. They can draw on details like faces, eyes, etc.

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Japanese Acorn Maze Craft

This is for elementary students. Using a box lid as a frame, create a cardboard maze and use an acorn to play. The one pictured here, my daughter Hana(first grade) made all by herself. Let their imaginations go.


  • shoe box lid or other box lid
  • scrap cardboard
  • scissors
  • glue
  • crayons to decorate
  • scrap paper
  • imagination (required)


  1. Talk about mazes and show some examples. Then, let students draw their maze design on paper.
  2. Cut out strips of cardboard and glue on the lid to create the maze.
  3. They can draw arrows to show the path.
  4. They can use paper to make tunnels or small ramps to make it more challenging.
  5. Use cardboard and paper to create flags to show "Start", and "Finish".
  6. Place an acorn at the start. Tilt the lid and roll the acorn through the maze.

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Japanese Chopsticks Boat Toy Craft

 Here in Japan, disposable chopsticks are a common everyday item. But, disposable chopsticks can also be the source of a lot of original craft ideas. This is how to make a simple boat toy for the bathtub from chopsticks.


  • 3 disposable chopsticks
  • rubber bands (a few colored ones are better)
  • milk carton
  • scissors
  • stapler


Motor paddle
  1. Cut a rectangle from a milk carton about 6 inches long and 1 inch wide.
  2. Fold the rectangle in half, then half again, then half again to make eight equal sections.
  3. Fold every two sections onto each other and then into a four way cross shape. Staple each section in the middle to secure.
Boat Frame

  1. Put two chopsticks together and tie near the top with a rubber band.
  2. Open to a "V" shape and place one more chopstick across to make an "A" shape. Tie with rubber bands.
  3. Tie two blue rubber bands together and then two purple to make two sets of two.( colors are only examples)
  4. Tie one end of each color set around the center of the motor paddle.
  5. Tie the ends to bottom of the "A".
  6. Wind up and let your boat sail in a bathtub.

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Easy Craft Stick Shapes Craft

 This is an extremely easy math craft to do with 2 and 3 year olds after a shapes lesson.


  • 1 piece of construction paper.
  • craft sticks (Popsicle sticks)
  • tape


  1. After reviewing the names of basic shapes, have students make shape outlines with craft sticks and tape in place.
  2. For an extra step, prepare the names of shapes on pieces of paper and have students glue them under their stick shapes.
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Easy Rainbow Fish CD Craft

I love rainbows and rainbow crafts, any kind. This is a great craft to do after reading book, "The Rainbow Fish"  by Marcus Pfister.


  • old CD
  • fish fins from blue construction paper
  • 1 google eye
  • tape, glue

  1. Cut out all the fish fin pieces.
  2. Tape fins on to the printed side of an old CD.
  3. Glue a google eye on the blank side.
  4. Hang up with a piece of fishing line.

For added effect, accordion fold a piece of blue paper and push it through the hole in the middle to make the side fins.

Here's the template from DLTK
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Ocean in a Bottle Craft

I made a lot of these ocean bottles when I was a kid, all various colors. But at that time, the recipe I learned called for rubbing alcohol and turpentine, or paint thinner, both of which are expensive and highly toxic. But, you can get the same effect with cooking oil and water, much cheaper and safer.


  • 1 plastic drink bottle with screw on lid
  • water
  • cooking oil (the clearer the better)
  • blue food coloring


  1. Fill the drink bottle about halfway with water and add a few drops of blue food coloring. Shake well.
  2. Fill the rest of the bottle with cooking oil and screw on the lid tightly.

The oil is lighter than the water and the two liquids won't mix. Shake it up and watch them separate. Tip to the side and watch the ocean roll. As simple as this craft is, it never ceases to amaze and entertain me. For added effect, you could put a little sand at the bottom of the bottle, too. You don't have to limit yourself to just blue. Make a red lava bottle instead. Have fun!
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Moon with Craters Craft

 This is a fun idea I like using bubble wrap. Use the bubble wrap to paint a "cratered" surface.


  • white construction paper or card stock
  • bubble wrap
  • gray paint and paintbrushes or rollers
  • various lids or bottle tops


  1. Lay the bubble wrap on the table and apply gray paint on the surface.
  2. Lay a piece of paper on the bubble wrap and press all around with your hands.
  3. Peel off the paper. Dip lids into the paint and stamp various sized craters onto the surface.
  4. If desired, lightly roll a little paint over the surface for detail. Allow to dry.
  5. Trace a large paper plate on the paper and cut out your cratered Moon.
  6. Hang up with a string or display on the wall.

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Sun, Earth, Moon Model Craft

 I thought this was such a neat idea. It simply and clearly shows you how the Earth goes around the Sun and the Moon goes around the Earth. You can easily make it with the template below. Great for a unit about space or the Moon.


  • 1 paper plate
  • white construction paper or card stock
  • Earth and Moon cutouts from template
  • hole puncher
  • crayons
  • 2 brass fasteners
  • scissors


  1. Go to the link below and download the template. Cut the Earth and Moon pieces from hard white paper.
  2. Color the paper plate yellow, color the Earth and Moon.
  3. Punch a hole at the end of each strip as shown and in the middle of the paper plate.
  4. Fasten the pieces together using brass fasteners.
The template is available online from NASA Blogs
It may not give you a big picture of the template, though. Alternatively, do an image search for 'sun earth moon model' and that should give you the image. Have fun.

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Fruit Paper Plate Craft

Here's a really easy fruit plate craft for the youngest students.


  • paper plate
  • fruit cut outs, apple, orange, grapes, and banana from construction paper
  • glue
  • hole punch
  • string

  1. Pre-cut a hole at the top of each paper plate beforehand and tie a string through the hole.
  2. Give each child a paper plate and fruit to glue on.
  3. After they finish, they can wear their fruit plate.

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Halloween Jack-o-lantern Paper Plate Craft


Here's a simple Halloween craft especially for the very little ones.


  • small paper plate
  • craft stick
  • eye, nose, and mouth pieces from black construction paper
  • orange crayon
  • glue
  • tape

  1. Color the paper plate completely orange.
  2. Glue on the face pieces.
  3. Tape a craft stick to the back for a handle.






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Halloween Jack-o-lantern Pinatas

Here are two jumbo Jack-o-lantern pinatas I made for a Halloween party. It took a couple of days to make them.

We got some jumbo sized balloons. Then, covered them with strips of newspaper, using a simple flour and water glue. I've had a lot of practice(and failures) making balloon pinatas at my school or at home. One important thing is to get good strong balloons. You don't want it to lose its shape before you finish. Another thing is to let one layer completely dry before applying the next. The last layer, I used shoji paper which is used in Japanese paper doors. The last layer of white picks up the paint better. Then, pop the balloon inside. I cut out the shapes of the face on black paper and glued them on. These were big and stood about three feet high. They were still tough to break, though.
Happy Halloween.
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Halloween Monster Balloon Pinata Craft

Here's another Halloween balloon pinata I made. The fave is roughly based on a big green monster face I saw.


  • balloon
  • newspaper
  • water and flour paste
  • green paint
  • various colored paper


  1. Tear newspaper into strips and dip in flour water paste and cover a large balloon. Allow to dry and repeat two more times for three layers.
  2. Paint pinata green and allow to dry.
  3. Cut out pieces for the face and glue on.
  4. Pop the balloon and fill with candy, closing with tape.
  5. Have fun at the party.


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Halloween Tissue Ghost Ball Craft

These cute little ghosts make a great alternative for a bean bag toss during your next Halloween party.


  • Tissue (Kleenex)
  • small super balls
  • rubber bands
  • marker

1. Sandwich together two tissues and place them flat on the table.
2. Place a small Super ball in the middle and scrunch up the paper into a little ghost shape. Twist and tie with a rubber band.
3. Draw on a cute little face.

You can get the same look using another tissue scrunched up for a ball in the head, but it doesn't throw very well. Incidentally, these little ghosts look exactly like the Japanese child craft, teru-teru bozu. This is a traditional craft Japanese children make at home and hang in the window to ward of the rain. This is not a ghost however, and is supposed to represent a kindly, bald, Buddhist priest, praying for a sunny day. Kids say if you hang them upside down, it will make the rain come.




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Sand Paper Sand Castle Craft

This is a neat idea to create a castle from sandpaper. Good after a lesson on the beach or medieval times.


large white sheet of construction paper or card stock
brown sandpaper(60-40 grit has a good, coarse, sandy look)
paper pennant on a toothpick
decorations like sea theme beads, stars, etc. (if desired)


On the smooth side of the sandpaper, draw simple geometric shapes to form your castle.
Cut out shapes (cutting sandpaper is difficult for kids and hard on scissors)
Glue shapes onto white paper into a sandcastle shape. Tape the pennant on the top.
Decorate or draw on details for a beach scene with seagulls, crabs, etc. or a medieval scene with a knight dragon and princess.

After I made this, I had the idea to fold the sandpaper into shapes and make a 3D, stand-up castle. Let your imagination go.


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Johnny Appleseed Apple Tree Craft

Here's a fun hand print apple tree craft in honor of that all American hero, Johnny Appleseed.


  • white paper
  • green construction paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • tree trunks cut from brown construction paper
  • small red paper circles of apple cutouts if you have them
  • pot hat cut outs
  • glue


  1. Trace and cut out two pair of hand prints for each child from green construction paper.
  2. Glue on trunk and hand prints on white paper to make your tree.
  3. Glue on red circles or apples onto the tree.
  4. Next to the tree, glue on Johnny Appleseed's pot hat.
  5. Draw Johnny Appleseed to match the hat.
  6. Color and add details like sun, clouds, birds etc.

Orignally, this craft called for gluing on a blue paper background, but for this one, I wanted to encourage their creativity by drawing Johnny Appleseed into the picture, so I used white paper. Or, you could prepare a paper cutout of Johnny Appleseed from a coloring page and kids could color and then glue on. Also you don't have to let the tree hang off the edge of the paper as shown.

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Indian (Native American) Shaker Craft

This is a fun and noisy shaker that is supposed to represent an ear of corn to compliment a lesson on Native Americans.


  • plastic drink bottle (pet bottle) with lid
  • permanent markers of various colors, yellow, red, brown, green
  • raw popping corn
  • red and yellow craft tissue paper
  • glue


  1. Decorate the outside of a plastic drink bottle with markers with Native American colors.
  2. Sandwich a piece of yellow and red tissue paper and cut strips along one side.
  3. Apply glue around the bottom of the bottle and glue on the tissue paper one and then another.
  4. Fill the bottle with enough popcorn to cover he bottom and screw on the lid.
  5. Make noise!


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Halloween Ghost Footprints Craft

This is a really simple and cute ghost craft for Halloween Great for babies.


  • piece of black construction paper
  • white paint
  • a little black paint
  • paint brush or sponge
  • child's foot
  • damp cloth


  1. Paint the bottom of the child's foot with white paint.
  2. Press the foot onto a small sheet of black construction paper.
  3. Dip a small finger into black paint to draw details like eyes and mouth.
  4. Allow to dry and display your footprint ghosts around the room.

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Acorn Rocket Craft

This is a super simple idea to turn an acorn into rocket for any kind of throwing or target game.


  • acorns (the longer and skinnier, the better)
  • colorful plastic tape (not the sticky kind), or craft tissue paper.
  • scissors
  • Scotch tape

  1. Wrap a short length of colorful tape around the fat end of an acorn and tape down with scotch tape.
  2. Cut slits down the length for the tail.
  3. Use in any kind of target or throwing game.

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Bouncy Halloween Bat Craft

This is a fun Halloween bat craft.


  • newspaper
  • black paint
  • paint brushes
  • black string (elastic cord- optional)
  • 2 google eyes
  • black construction paper foe making wings
  • tape
  • glue
  • scissors

Beforehand, cut out bat wings from black construction paper


  1. Take a half sheet of newspaper and rip it in half again.
  2. Crumple up one piece into a tight ball, apply tape if necessary.
  3. Tape a piece of black yarn or elastic cord to the ball.
  4. Wrap the other piece of newspaper around the ball tightly.(I recommend putting a hole in the paper and stringing the yarn through and then wrap the second layer)
  5. Paint your newspaper ball black and allow to dry. Apply tape as needed to keep the ball's shape. (I recommend applying tape after painting, as the paint doesn't stick to the tape)
  6. Glue on 2 google eyes.
  7. Glue on and then tape two wings.
  8. Hang up your bouncy bat.


  • Use elastic cord if you have it instead of yarn. It gives a more bouncy effect.
  • Glue short lengths of black yarn to the wings to create the veins of the wings.


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Preschool Tissue Box Shoe Craft

Here's a cute idea for making shoes from two Kleenex(tissue) boxes. Great for a lesson on clothes.


  • two Kleenex (tissue) boxes
  • various colored craft tissue paper
  • tissue paper flowers
  • other decorations, stars, dazzles, yarn, etc.
  • glue


  1. Make tissue paper flowers like pom poms.
  2. Glue on the flowers and other decorations to the tissue boxes.
  3. After your finished, the kids put them on their feet and walk around. Have fun.
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